Children’s Summer Camp at Voronet

Camp is open again after having been closed for three years due to the COVID restrictions. This year our group is booked in for the period 26th June to 1st July.

Camp Cristia, Voronet

Since 2014, supporters of the Romanian Aid Foundation have provided sponsorship for some 35-40 children aged 10-15 from under-privileged backgrounds to attend a special summer camp in the Carpathian mountains. The camp takes place during the first week of the school holidays and is centred on a purpose-built facility at Voronet on the eastern side of the Carpathian mountains near the town of Gura Humorului, in an area that is scenically very different from that where most of the children live. The campers are chosen from the families registered with Asociatia Neemia as being in need of support. Very few of these children have had any experience of travelling beyond their local area and the idea of a holiday away from home is something they can normally only dream about.

Camp Cristia, Voronet

The camp’s daily programme encourages social interaction between children who have had little experience of being away from home, with team games, sing-alongs and chat sessions. Each camp session is attended by groups from several localities, including a group of children in formal care in Dorohoi. This further develops the sharing of different backgrounds and increases the children’s experience of the wider world. Wholesome meals are provided and the campsite itself has numerous facilities for sports and physical exercise, whilst the spiritual dimension is addressed by morning and evening devotions, designed to be informative rather than persuasive. Feedback from children and leaders has been enthusiastic – “excellent!”, “great fun!”, and more than one “Can I come again?”. Several children have commented on being able to develop their beliefs in an atmosphere conducive to discussion and interaction with fellow campers.

Primary sponsorship for each year’s camp comes from the UK via camp-specific donations whilst Asociatia Neemia co-ordinates the local arrangements in Romania, recruits team leaders and provides a range of materials for use in the daily handicraft sessions. Additional clothing can be provided for those children who might otherwise be embarrassed by their lack of suitable attire, and a copy of an illustrated Children’s Bible is donated to those who want them. Camp fees each year are around £65 per child for the full stay including accommodation, meals and access to the camp facilities. Additional sponsorship covers the cost of transport to the camp and allows us to share our bus with the other group from Dorohoi.

Camp website: (description in Romanian)
YouTube video: Children’s Camp at Voronet, 2018
YouTube video: Children’s Camp at Voronet, 2019

Some photos from camp (various years)

Camp Cristia, Voronet Camp Cristia, Voronet
Camp Cristia, Voronet Camp Cristia, Voronet Camp Cristia, Voronet
Camp Cristia, Voronet Camp Cristia, Voronet
Camp Cristia, Voronet

Photo Gallery: Click on any of the photos for more recent photos, enlargements or more details.

Camp Cristia: Daily schedule / Program zilnic


07:00 Wakeup call
07:00 ~ 07:15 Tidy up
14:00 ~ 15:00 Free time
Timp liber
07:15 ~ 07:40 Personal hygiene
15:00 ~ 16:00 Craftwork
Lucru manual
08:00 ~ 08:30 Breakfast
Micul dejun
16:00 ~ 19:00 Team sports
Jocuri de echipe
09:00 ~ 10:30 Study and sing
Studiu si cantari
19:00 ~ 19:30 Dinner
10:30 ~ 12:00 Team sports
Jocuri de echipe
19:30 ~ 20:00 Pause
12:00 ~ 13:00 Free play
Timp liber
20:00 ~ 21:00 Daily review
13:00 ~ 14:00 Lunch
21:00 ~ 22:00 Evening thoughts
Momente de seara
22:00 Lights out


Published, 09 Jun 2015: Page updated, 13 Jun 2023