Welcome to RoAF and AN!

Please tread carefully as we rebuild this site – system upgrades don’t always go smoothly!


RoAF logoAN logo

The Romanian Aid Foundation is a UK registered charity providing humanitarian aid to needy people in the north-east of Romania.  Our activities in Romania are conducted through Asociatia Neemia, based in Dorohoi.  Asociatia Neemia is a Romanian registered charity, and is staffed and managed by Romanians with extensive local knowledge of conditions in the area.


We use the abreviations ‘RoAF’ and ‘AN’ for the two charities respectively;
please be our guest and have a look around our website.


The Romanian Aid Foundation
289 Court Lodge Road, Horley, Surrey, RH6 8RG, UK
UK Registered Charity No. 1060828 … Established February 1997

Asociatia Umanitara Neemia
Str Spiru Haret nr 9, 715200 Dorohoi, Botosani, Romania
Romanian Registered Charity CUI 10125001




Page views since 17/Feb/2019: 55913
Published, 28 Jan 2019: Page updated, 01 Aug 2022