Category: ‘AN Monthly News’

News from Asociatia Neemia, February 2025

08 Feb 2025 Posted by Steve Humphreys

We have continued to receive a good quantity of items suitable for sending to Romania and our small but enthusiastic teams have continued to ensure that the items that we send are prepared to a high standard. Whilst we no longer enjoy the excitement of loading full-size trucks we have found that sending small quantities more frequently means that we can continue to supply our colleagues with the items that they need in order to help the needy people that they deal with each day.

We are grateful for the continuity of support for our activities on behalf of the needy but we would appreciate more volunteers to help with preparing and packing the aid. In Horley our team meets on the first and third Friday of each month for packing (and coffee and cakes); you are warmly invited to join us.

In Dorohoi our shop offers good-quality items to the local community; items offered in the shop amount to approximately 8% by value of the goods received from the UK. Currently we have good stocks of seasonal clothing, both for donation and for sale. Historically, clothing suitable for winter wear has arrived in the Spring and clothing for the summer has arrived in the Autumn but, due to healthy stocks accumulated in previous years, we are able to ensure that the items on sale are appropriate to the season.

The town now has a number of outlets offering cheap clothing from the Far East and this provides some competition for our shop but rapidly rising costs of living mean that many people still find our items to be good value for money. There are costs incurred in operating the shop but proceeds from the sales continue to make a worthwhile contribution to AN’s activities.

Although January has been warmer than usual February is often the coldest month of the year in our area and there will be requests for help with gas bottles and firewood. Romania is experiencing one of the highest rates of inflation in Europe but we trust that rising costs will not compromise our ability to help those in need – we will continue to help whenever we can.

This Month’s Featured Photos

Packing is rewarding: Goods incoming … A busy team … A worthy reward

Goods incoming A busy team A worthy reward

A glimpse into the shop: For winter days … From head to toe … For younger customers

For winter days From head to toe For younger customers

Last Month’s Statistics

Awaiting preparation

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, January 2025

04 Jan 2025 Posted by Steve Humphreys

Once again the old year with its memories of difficulties and successes gives way to the new one – what challenges will it bring? Perhaps one of the few certainties of the new year is that there will still be needy people left behind by the progress being made in the wider society.

We will be endeavouring to help where we can but we too face challenges including an ageing team, changes in legislation and transport regulations, and competing interests. But such is the nature of an endeavour that relies on voluntary support and we take this opportunity to thank for your support thus far and look forward to the year ahead.

There was an excellent response to our pre-Christmas food appeal, resulting in some 3½ tons of food being received directly from the customers of three local supermarkets. This is different from our daily collection of short-time food in that the food has been purchased and donated by the customers themselves. The collection was undertaken in co-operation with the Centre of Hope and the food was shared between our respective beneficiaries.

Also during December we were able to have some more of the maize from the warehouse land milled into flour. Despite the poor growing conditions earlier in the year our land did produce a worthwhile crop which we can mill and distribute during the winter months.

Although our own Christmas gift box appeal now longer operates, we were invited by another charity to distribute some boxes at Christmas. We cannot satisfy all those who want them but we have chosen the most deserving cases.

Firewood is still the principal – often the only – means of heating and cooking for many of the people that we help. At the beginning of the month we were able to purchase and distribute several loads of wood using funds received specifically for that purpose.

Our staff have continued to work as a team, successfully managing a busy workload whilst themselves facing the challenges of health issues, rising costs and the wintry weather.

This Month’s Featured Photos

Food, flour and firewood: A full fridge … The dusty miller … Timber!

A full fridge The dusty miller Timber!

Sharing the donated food: visiting people in their homes … …

visiting people in their homes 0 0

Christmas gift boxes: on behalf of another charity … …

on behalf of another charity 0 0

Last Month’s Statistics

Awaiting preparation

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, December 2024

07 Dec 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

It was the ‘end of a era’ as we dispatched the final lorry load from our Billingshurst warehouse. There were times when even this building was filled to the doors but circumstances evolve, the diversity of the needs is less than in earlier days and the regulations governing the import of goods have become more stringent. Together these changes mean that we no longer need the facilities of a large warehouse. However, we do intend to continue to collect, prepare and dispatch items which are still needed. There is an opportunity to send smaller loads more frequently, this will better suit our packing team – and our treasurer!

Our regular packing sessions at Horley Baptist Church have finished for this year – many thanks to all who donated or joined in the sorting, packing and dispatching the aid. We expect to resume packing on the 3rd and 17th January 2025.

It is now approaching 12 months since we started receiving short-dated foodstuffs from a local supermarket chain. This is produce that has been discounted in the store but has not sold before its sell-by date, meaning that it has to be distributed very quickly. Initially we received stock from two stores but July one of the stores arranged for another charity to share the items, meaning some relief for our staff. There is significant effort and expense on our behalf in collecting and documenting these donations but we do think that the benefit to needy households makes it worthwhile. The total retail value of items received to date is equivalent to over £85,000 or some £1,600 per week for the whole period to date.

In a separate initiative, before Christmas we will be participating in a collection directly from the shoppers; these items can be given to families who might not meet the stricter criteria for the main food distribution.

As we have come to expect, there were changes in the paperwork necessary for importing the recent load into Romania. With some effort we were able to satisfy the new requirements; this was helped by the excellent quality of the goods in the load and the way they were packed.

This Month’s Featured Photos

Sending …: Preparing the inventory … The end of an era … Leave only footprints

Preparing the inventory The end of an era Leave only footprints

and Receiving: After customs inspection … The night shift at work … Safely in the warehouse

After customs inspection The night shift at work Safely in the warehouse

Preparing for distribution: Finishing the paperwork … Transfer to the office … Eager recipients

Finishing the paperwork Transfer to the office Eager recipients

Last month’s statistics

The monthly figures do not include food donations with a retail value equivalent to £3,523

Categories November
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
20 / 50 22 / 30
Beneficiaries this month: 161 168 -4%
Number of Donations: 196 185 6%
Total Value of Donations (excl food):
(£ equivalent)
£576 £3,923 -85%
Exchange Rate,
5·9655 5·7068 5%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news: November 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, November 2024

08 Nov 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

RoAF will be relinquishing the lease on the warehouse at Billingshurst with effect from the end of this year. Changes in the procedures for transporting and importing aid mean that the facilities at the warehouse are no longer needed. Nevertheless, we will continue to prepare and send the more limited range of items that are still needed.

A final lorry from Billingshurst is being planned for 16th November, after which the team will concentrate on ensuring that the warehouse is in good order for the next occupiers. We are extremely grateful to the property’s owners for the ability to use the warehouse for some 15 years.

The prolonged warm weather has finally given way to wintry chills but we have managed to bring in our harvest in good time. The land at the warehouse yielded a better-than-expected crop of maize which will be milled as required during the coming months. Fortunately some residents of Casa Neemia were willing to lend a hand in getting the crop into sacks for storage.

The gardens at Casa Neemia were also very productive with a variety of vegetables including potatoes, tomatoes, carrots and a variety of herbs. Last month the residents prepared jars of ‘zacuscă’, a form of ratatouille, and this month two of our Ukrainian guests showed us how to preserve the carrots and green tomatoes for use during the winter months.

The donations of food from a local supermarket has continued and the items have been of considerable help to those who receive them. We have also received sponsorship for more baby milk, again gratefully received.

This month’s featured photos

A healthy diet: Harvesting maize … Preserving vegetables … Baby milk

Harvesting maize Preserving vegetables Baby milk

Warehouse memories: Full to the door … Stacks of stuff … A well-deserved break

Full to the door Stacks of stuff A well-deserved break

Last month’s statistics

The monthly figures do not include food donations with a total value equivalent to £4,557

Categories October
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
0 / 38 16 / 40
Beneficiaries this month: 111 145 -23%
Number of Donations: 190 168 13%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
£610 £2,097 -71%
Exchange Rate,
5·9570 5·7230 4%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news: October 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, October 2024

04 Oct 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

We have continued to receive healthy donations of clothing, bedding and other items, certainly enough to keep our packing teams occupied. We are working towards sending another consignment to Romania, probably in November. Once again, this will comprise a mixed load from Horley and from our team in south Wales.

In Romania we continue to help people in difficult circumstances but the level of desperation is not what it when we started thirty years ago. In previous years the main items for donation were clothing, bedding, household good and medical items. Now the short-time food from a local supermarket forms the major part of what we donate, certainly in terms of value. As circumstances change, the leaders of the two charities continue to review the focus of our activities, seeking to balance the available resources against the needs and opportunities.

With your help, in September we were able to distribute clothing and other items to over 200 people in Dorohoi and district; the average donation this month had a value of £5, giving a total of approximately £1,000. In addition we received short-dated food with a total retail value of around £4,400 from a local supermarket. Donation of this food is strictly monitored so that it does not compromise the trader’s normal sales.

As the war in Ukraine progresses to different areas so we receive more requests from people seeking a place of refuge. Some of our earlier guests have moved on to more permanent places and so we are able to continue to help others in this way.

The autumn season is upon us now, the distinctive colours are appearing even if the weather remains unseasonably warm. Now too is the time to start preparing for winter. One such preparation is the harvesting of the crops from our land; the maize crop was not good due to the lack of rain but good quantities of potatoes and other vegetables have been harvested at Casa Neemia. The current residents at Casa Neemia have been busy, harvesting and preserving the crops that they have grown together. In addition to a good quantity of potatoes they have also prepared a nutritious blend of tomatoes and peppers which will be a tasty addition to winter meals. One popular way of preserving our vegetables is shown in the photos below.

We are pleased to report that our old VW van has once again passed its annual technical inspection. At 23 years old it is not surprising that it requires a degree of ‘tender loving care’ but, despite that, it has continued to serve us well.

From time to time we receive visits from supporters who want to come and see for themselves how RoAF and AN are helping. These visits are encouraging, both for our team and for the people we help.

This month’s featured photos

Winter warmer: Tomatoes and peppers … Sterilisation … Bon appetit!

Tomatoes and peppers Sterilisation Bon appetit!

Encouraging visits: with Marcel … with Nicoleta … with Nadia

with Marcel with Nicoleta with Nadia

Last month’s statistics

The monthly figures do not include food donations with a total value equivalent to £4,416

Categories September
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
5 / 43 19 / 34
Beneficiaries this month: 141 181 -22%
Number of Donations: 203 214 -5%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
£862 £3,254 -74%
Exchange Rate,
5·9191 5·7636 3%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, September, 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, September 2024

15 Sep 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

This month’s news

The Horley packing team has continued to meet on the first and third Fridays of each month; this year, due to a good quantity of donations, we continued through August without taking our usual break. Together with our colleagues in south Wales, we are assembling another load, hopefully for dispatch some time next month.

In Romania our team continues to keep in contact with families which we have helped previously. In many cases they no longer need the same level of support as before: this is a success and an encouragement for all those involved in providing the aid. By contrast, on a recent morning there were more than 10 people waiting at the office – other families taking the place of those who no longer ask for help.

In contrast to much of Europe, the drought conditions in north-east Romania have worsened during the past month, with a detrimental impact on food production and therefore higher prices. Home gardeners too are feeling the effects of the limited rainfall, with many having to collect water from the communal supply.

We have continued to receive short-dated food from a local supermarket chain. Another charity which cares for elderly people has joined the scheme and now receives part of the food; this has reduced the amount we receive to about £4,000 each month. This amount is easier to distribute whilst still providing a worthwhile amount of help for those in need.

We send best wishes to Ema, until recently our receptionist, who is getting married this month. Ema helped with the transition to the new statutory system of digital transaction records and we trust that she will settle well into her new life. Her duties are being covered by redeployment of the other staff together with help from two volunteers. One of them is a young man who has been helped a lot over the years and makes himself available for manual work; the other is a lady who lives adjacent to the office and enjoys the company each morning.

This month’s featured photos

The drought continues: The lake bed is dry … Our crops have suffered … Seeking refreshment

The lake bed is dry Our crops have suffered Seeking refreshment

Revisiting old friends: A grateful mum … Reviving memories … Growing fast

A grateful mum Reviving memories Growing fast

Last month’s statistics

The monthly figures do not include food donations with a total value of £3,594

Categories August
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
25 / 23 10 / 28
Beneficiaries this month: 152 113 35%
Number of Donations: 178 133 34%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
£871 £2,000 -56%
Exchange Rate,
5·8476 5·7526 2%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, August 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, August 2024

15 Sep 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

This month’s news

We have continued to receive a good quantity of donations in Horley and in south Wales. Consequently, the Horley team will not be taking a break from packing during the month of August as in previous years. However, we would appreciate a few more sorters and packers on the first and third Friday each month.

Feedback from Romania confirms that our items are still very much in demand, often to the point of people queuing at the office. Conversely, the widespread access to online shopping has meant that there is less demand for items from the shop, with a corresponding impact on revenue.

Recently, one of our Ukrainian guests at Casa Neemia went back home to sort out some paperwork. On her return she spoke about the stress of being in a war zone, with incoming missiles and corresponding air defences almost every night. She expressed her gratitude, once again, for having a place where she can feel secure. Of course, Casa Neemia was never envisaged as a refuge for those displaced by war. Nevertheless we are happy to provide them with this help and we are pleased by the way in which those for whom it was intended have accepted the newcomers into their midst. Once again, we are grateful for those whose generosity made Casa Neemia a reality.

Ill health has affected some of our AN team during the past month. Summer ailments are prevalent but COVID has not disappeared. Being in contact with callers at the office carries the possibility of infections of various types and we have adjusted working practices to reduce the risk.

This month’s featured photos

Asking and waiting are steps towards receiving:
A humble request … The waiting room … Mobile at last

A humble request The waiting room Mobile at last

The packing teams make good progress:
These boxes won’t stay empty for long … Bernie’s got it taped … A consignment awaits transport

These boxes won't stay empty Bernie's got it taped A consignment awaits transport

Last month’s statistics

The monthly figures do not include food donations with a total value of £3,008

Categories July
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
22 / 38 12 / 19
Beneficiaries this month: 170 147 16%
Number of Donations: 223 170 31%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
£1,210 £2,481 -51%
Exchange Rate,
5·8955 5·7587 2%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, July 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, July 2024

15 Sep 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

This month’s news

There continues to be a steady flow of items arriving with our packing teams, both in Horley and south Wales; we anticipate that we may be able to send another full lorry-load later in the year. Consequently, the Horley team will not close for the month of August this year. We could however use a couple more sorters and packers first and third Friday each month.

Once again there has been generous support for the summer camp in Romania. The camp is always well subscribed and always comes to an end far too soon. This year we took 44 people including team campers and some of our Ukrainian visitors. A special thanks to those who provided the funds necessary to give the campers a good time.

The Romanian National Institute of Statistics has published a report showing that, in 2023, almost 20% of the resident Romanian population was affected by severe material deprivation. This amounts to some 4million people; the most severely affected group are those households with dependent children, where one-third of the population is living with the risk of poverty or social exclusion. The national study excluded the benefits of home-grown food and livestock. This can make a significant difference and we try to encourage people make use of their gardens and land whenever possible.

During June we distributed clothing and household items to 123 household, a rate of about 6 households per day. These items had a total nominal value of £620 – not much in the national context but certainly a benefit to those who received them. In addition we received short-time food valued at £8,500 for donation to particularly needy households.

This month’s featured photos

At Camp: feeding our bodies … feeding our minds … feeding our spirits

feeding our bodies feeding our minds feeding our spirits

Freetime activities: … …

0 0 0

Last month’s statistics

The monthly figures do not include food donations with a total value of £8,579

Categories June
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
8 / 35 18 / 26
Beneficiaries this month: 123 168 -27%
Number of Donations: 147 202 -27%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
£624 £3,158 -80%
Exchange Rate,
5·8775 5·7808 2%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, June, 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, June 2024

15 Sep 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

This month’s news

We were able to send another consignment of aid items to Romania at the end of May. As we have come to expect, there was some en-route changes to the documentation but the items have arrived safely. We have heard that the customs inspectors were impressed with the quality of the goods; we are grateful for all those who helped to prepare the load so diligently and to those who provided other support.

Otherwise May has been a month like so many others. No outstanding items of news: the goods are coming in, packing continues in Horley and in south Wales and our team members continue to get older!

In Dorohoi we have received another load of clothing, bedding and other goods from our UK colleagues. We appreciate the effort which goes into preparing these loads and are happy to pass on the thanks of those who receive the goods. In addition we have continued to receive short-dated foodstuffs from two local supermarkets; the usual shelf value of food received during May exceeded 12,600 pounds.

Laurentiu Lozneanu has been a prominent member of the AN team since its inception some 26 years ago. His maturity and advice have been invaluable, as has his willingness to be hands-on and get involved in our activities. He has been instrumental in the success of Casa Neemia and now oversees the distribution of aid from the office. Recently Laurentiu achieved that age when work becomes optional (in theory at least). He has decided to continue to work with AN, on a voluntary basis, and for that we are extremely grateful.

This month’s featured photos

Packing: Packing in the hall … in the van … in the truck

Packing Van Truck

Unloading: Laurentiu lends a hand, … boxes are transferred from the pallet … to the stack

Laurentiu lends a hand from the pallet to the stack

Cultivation: growth in the garden … new life in the polytunnel …

In the garden Polytunnel

Last month’s statistics
Categories May
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
23 / 36 20 / 34
Beneficiaries this month: 190 147 0%
Number of Donations: 224 176 0%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
0,656 2,843 0%
Exchange Rate,
5·8148 5·6801 0%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, May, 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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News from Asociatia Neemia, May 2024

31 Aug 2024 Posted by Steve Humphreys

This month’s news

Packing at Horley Baptist Church has continued on the first and third Friday of each month, until August; currently we are preparing about 40 boxes per month. We can now receive donated items of clothing, bedding and similar items at the church on packing days only.

Our lorry departure planned for 20th April has been delayed. We know of two other charities who have had aid consignments that failed the customs inspections and were refused permission to unload. We want to take the time to be particularly attentive to the quality of the items we send, especially how they are presented and documented. We are, of course, grateful for the continuity of donations of goods and financial support.

Recently we were able to participate in a food collection appeal at three supermarkets in Dorohoi and Darabani. The appeal was initiated by a national food-bank
and, locally, involved both AN and the Centre of Hope in Dorohoi. Teams comprising volunteers from both organisations and local churches were on hand to receive donations of basic foodstuffs such as flour, rice, etc, in advance of the Orthodox Easter. (3-5 May). About 3 tons of food was received, which will be distributed to needy families or used to provide meals at the Centre of Hope.

This collection was in addition to continuing to receive short-dated perishables as previously described. In the first three months of this year we received food with retail values averaging £9,600 per month. This food, which might otherwise have been thrown away, often includes items such as fresh fish, dairy products and imported fruit which many of the recipients would not be able to afford for themselves. Although this means an increase in our workload we consider that the benefits outweigh the effort involved.

This month’s featured photos


From the packing team From south Wales Arriving in Dorohoi

From the packing team – From South Wales – Arriving in Dorohoi

Last month’s statistics
Categories April
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
27 / 30 12 / 43
Beneficiaries this month: 207 152 0%
Number of Donations: 261 180 0%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
1,757 2,583 0%
Exchange Rate,
5·8069 5·6068 0%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, April 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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