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Joy in a Box
What is ‘Joy in a Box’?
Joy in a Box is our annual appeal for Christmas gift boxes for disadvantaged people in Romania. For many families in the Dorohoi area of north-eastern Romania, unemployment and poverty are their daily experience all year round. This sense of deprivation is made worse at Christmas time by the extreme winter temperatures and the widespread pessimism about any improvement. In the autumn of each year, we run our Joy in a Box Appeal, with the aim of bringing to these people some measure of hope and the encouragement of knowing that they have not been forgotten. For many people these gifts might be the only ones that they receive at Christmas.
The collection and transport of the boxes to Romania are organised by the Romanian Aid Foundation, in south Wales and in southern England. For details of how to prepare a box or raise interest in the scheme please see the RoAF page at Joy in a Box
Joy in a Box photos have been incorporated into our main photo gallery – you can find links to the gallery below.
Christmas Gift Boxes – 2020
~ If you are able to prepare Christmas shoe boxes this year please arrange for your boxes to be at Horley on or before Friday 20th November or Billingshurst on Saturday 21st November. Thank you again for your continuing support.
Joy in a Box 2018
Over 2,000 boxes were distributed in time for Christmas.
Many thanks to all those who made up the boxes and ensured that they arrived in time.
Pictures of the Christmas 2018 distribution are now available online. A photo-leaflet suitable for printing and distribution to those who prefer the paper medium is also available. Follow the links below.
On behalf of those Romanian people who have received your boxes over the past few years, we would like to thank you for your generosity.
Please follow the links below for details of the ‘Joy in a Box’ scheme.
Joy in a Box Overview of scheme, using older document format
Visit the ‘Joy in a Box’ photo albums – accessible as complete album, by designation or by each year:
~ Album ~ Sponsored gift boxes ~ Class boxes
~ 2018 ~ 2017 ~ 2016 ~ 2015 ~ 2014 ~ 2013 ~ 2012 ~ 2011 ~ 2010 ~ 2009
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