News from Asociatia Neemia, May 2024

This month’s news

Packing at Horley Baptist Church has continued on the first and third Friday of each month, until August; currently we are preparing about 40 boxes per month. We can now receive donated items of clothing, bedding and similar items at the church on packing days only.

Our lorry departure planned for 20th April has been delayed. We know of two other charities who have had aid consignments that failed the customs inspections and were refused permission to unload. We want to take the time to be particularly attentive to the quality of the items we send, especially how they are presented and documented. We are, of course, grateful for the continuity of donations of goods and financial support.

Recently we were able to participate in a food collection appeal at three supermarkets in Dorohoi and Darabani. The appeal was initiated by a national food-bank
and, locally, involved both AN and the Centre of Hope in Dorohoi. Teams comprising volunteers from both organisations and local churches were on hand to receive donations of basic foodstuffs such as flour, rice, etc, in advance of the Orthodox Easter. (3-5 May). About 3 tons of food was received, which will be distributed to needy families or used to provide meals at the Centre of Hope.

This collection was in addition to continuing to receive short-dated perishables as previously described. In the first three months of this year we received food with retail values averaging £9,600 per month. This food, which might otherwise have been thrown away, often includes items such as fresh fish, dairy products and imported fruit which many of the recipients would not be able to afford for themselves. Although this means an increase in our workload we consider that the benefits outweigh the effort involved.

This month’s featured photos


From the packing team From south Wales Arriving in Dorohoi

From the packing team – From South Wales – Arriving in Dorohoi

Last month’s statistics
Categories April
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
27 / 30 12 / 43
Beneficiaries this month: 207 152 0%
Number of Donations: 261 180 0%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
1,757 2,583 0%
Exchange Rate,
5·8069 5·6068 0%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, April 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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Link to this month’s Prayer Notes

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