Report of Activities, October 2023

Asociatia Neemia (AN) was legally established in 1997, to provide a formal context for the aid work which had begun a few years earlier. It is a non-profit organization, providing social services to people and families in difficulty. The primary activity of the association is based on providing material and financial support to people and families in difficulty, including the distribution of funds, and also other humanitarian activities. The principal geographical area of activity of the charity is the city of Dorohoi and the neighbouring areas but also extends to some more distant villages where there are still social and material problems in low and very low income families. To date, 2023 has been a challenging year for many people but, with God’s help, we have been able to maintain a good level of service to the community.

AN’s current activity focuses on three principal activities:

  • the distribution of aid from the office;
  • housing for refugees and other homeless people at Casa Neemia;
  • funding the charity via the shop

In addition to the day-to-day activities, AN offers expertise for the management of one-off projects, including the management of sponsored projects on behalf of their sponsors. Examples include the refurbishment of family houses and a week-long summer camp for approximately 50 children. We are happy to pass on the thanks of those who benefit from these ventures.

Photos: Special Projects
House repairs, Anticipating fresh eggs, Kindergarten materials

House repairs Anticipating fresh eggs Kindergarten materials

Aid Distribution

To date, this year Asociatia Neemia has received aid goods to a total value equivalent to some £10,000 including goods received in kind and items purchased locally using sponsorship for that purpose. This total is substantially lower than in previous years, primarily due to COVID and BREXIT restrictions having an adverse impact on the number of loads from our partner organisation in the UK. One of the challenges this year has been discovering and complying with the various regulations which have been introduced or modified during 2023; thankfully, we have been able to satisfy the various authorities when required.

Donations of goods in kind amounted to over £29,000 with the mismatch being resourced from stocks remaining from previous years. The charity has continued with the distribution of material aid; items including food, hygienic-sanitary materials for personal hygiene, clothing, footwear and linen were given to over 700 households. In the nine months to date we have made a total of some 1,800 donations, mostly of clothing, bedding and similar items but also including wheelchairs and other mobility aids, stationery and bicycles. Of particular note, we have helped with sponsorship for construction materials, firewood and domestic livestock using funds from the shop or money that we manage on behalf of donors.

The following table summarises the most-frequently donated items

Item type Nr donations Quantity donated Value (GBP)
Clothing, footwear and textiles: 2,037 18,091 22,817
Medical and mobility items: 686 1821 2,890
Household items and furniture: 117 345 933
Education and entertainment: 330 848 870
Food and domestic consumables: 90 187 224

Donations are recorded in Kg for clothing, food and similar items; as individual units otherwise.

Casa Neemia

Casa Neemia is the outcome of an initiative to provide a house for young men who have had to leave the orphanages in which they have been brought up and subsequently had no means of obtaining accommodation. It provides managed accommodation in 12 single or double rooms, plus communal cooking and laundry facilities.

Following the outbreak of war in Ukraine the accommodation at Casa Neemia was extended to provide a safe place for a number of refugees. Some stayed for a short period before moving on but some have settled in Dorohoi. Our long-term Ukrainian residents originate from the eastern area of that country and it is unrealistic to expect them to be able to return there in the short to medium term. This has implications for the operation and financing of Casa Neemia. We currently provide accommodation for 8 local residents and 7 refugees.

The garden at Casa Neemia has again furnished the residents both with plenty of fresh vegetables and also gives them something to do, in keeping the gardens well tended.

Photos: Casa Neemia
Tending the garden, Crops in the greenhouse, Communal barbecue

Tending the garden Crops in the greenhouse Communal barbecue


In our business model, the principal source of funding in Romania is via sales of selected items in our shop. These are mainly clothing, shoes and bedding, all individually inspected and amounting to no more than 10% by value of the goods received. The shop income is intended to cover the operational costs of the charity, including staff remuneration and taxes. Depending upon trading conditions the shop can return a small profit which is used to help people financially, such as with medical or heating expenses. Typically, some £600 per month has been used in this way during this year.

The combined effects of COVID and BREXIT have reduced the scope of items available for the shop. Recently there has been an increase in the town of the number of other shops, branches of mainly Europe-wide retail chains, that offer new goods at economical prices. At the same time, prices for food and other essentials have risen sharply leaving people with less to spend on non-essential items. Consequently, during 2023 so far, the trading conditions have not been as favourable as in previous years and we are grateful both for loyal customers and for additional help from our supporters.

Assets and Administration

AN’s staff comprises 6 employees, full or part time, and 2 regular volunteers. Residents at Casa Neemia often make themselves available to help with the more manual tasks such as unloading lorries or maintaining the grounds. We own the premises at the office, shop, warehouse and Casa Neemia together with 2 vehicles and a growing collection of office equipment and tools.

Each year the land at the warehouse produces useful quantities of fruit in addition to a primary crop; this year we received a good crop of sunflowers. The seeds have been pressed to provide several hundred litres of cooking oil which will be donated to our beneficiaries during the forthcoming winter. We rotate the type of crop on the land, last year it was maize which was milled to provide flour for donation.

Photos: Warehouse work
Grounds maintenance, Tidying up, Milling maize for flour

Grounds maintenance Tidying up Pressing sunflowers seeds


The proposed objectives have been met and the management of the charity is satisfied with the activities carried out and the effects on the beneficiaries of the services offered by the association. Our activities have been possible only through the support of many people, both in Romania and in other countries, and we thank them on behalf of those who have benefited from their generosity.


Published, 24 Oct 2023: Page updated, 06 Nov 2023