News from Asociatia Neemia, February 2024

It has been said that ‘no news is good news’ and, on that basis, the resumption of our regular packing activities should be considered to be good news. We continue to receive sufficient donations to keep our teams occupied but there is still some scope for other volunteers to come and join in the fun.

Some new procedures concerning the export of goods will come into force later this year but hopefully all the bugs inherent in a new system will be resolved before we send our next lorry later in the year.

The new financial year will bring new procedures for fiscal controls in Romania; in particular it will become necessary for business accounts to be maintained electronically, using approved software. This will represent a learning curve for our staff as, to date, our computerised systems have been used mainly for keeping up to date with stock levels and donation records.

Two local branches of a national supermarket chain have continued to give us a range of food items that are nearing their sale dates. There are stringent requirements covering how we use these items, to prevent them being resold or raising any liability issues. We have established a separate procedure to account for how we distribute this food, these items are not included in our general reports about our aid distribution.

Following the start of the new year our activities generally revert to what we consider ‘normal’ so our photos this month are a reminder of how we shared some happiness at Christmas.

This month’s featured photos
  • Recalling happiness at Christmas

Selection of groceries A happy recipient Colour co-ordination
What's in the bag? Warm outside and in Christmas at home

Last month’s statistics
Categories January
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
18 / 33 16 / 42
Beneficiaries this month: 148 160 -8%
Number of Donations: 164 188 -13%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
1,838 2,900 -37%
Exchange Rate,
5·7914 5·5817 4%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, January, 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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Link to this month’s Prayer Notes

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