Once again the old year with its memories of difficulties and successes gives way to the new one – what challenges will it bring? Perhaps one of the few certainties of the new year is that there will still be needy people left behind by the progress being made in the wider society.
We will be endeavouring to help where we can but we too face challenges including an ageing team, changes in legislation and transport regulations, and competing interests. But such is the nature of an endeavour that relies on voluntary support and we take this opportunity to thank for your support thus far and look forward to the year ahead.
There was an excellent response to our pre-Christmas food appeal, resulting in some 3½ tons of food being received directly from the customers of three local supermarkets. This is different from our daily collection of short-time food in that the food has been purchased and donated by the customers themselves. The collection was undertaken in co-operation with the Centre of Hope and the food was shared between our respective beneficiaries.
Also during December we were able to have some more of the maize from the warehouse land milled into flour. Despite the poor growing conditions earlier in the year our land did produce a worthwhile crop which we can mill and distribute during the winter months.
Although our own Christmas gift box appeal now longer operates, we were invited by another charity to distribute some boxes at Christmas. We cannot satisfy all those who want them but we have chosen the most deserving cases.
Firewood is still the principal – often the only – means of heating and cooking for many of the people that we help. At the beginning of the month we were able to purchase and distribute several loads of wood using funds received specifically for that purpose.
Our staff have continued to work as a team, successfully managing a busy workload whilst themselves facing the challenges of health issues, rising costs and the wintry weather.
This Month’s Featured Photos
Food, flour and firewood: A full fridge … The dusty miller … Timber!

Sharing the donated food: visiting people in their homes … …

Christmas gift boxes: on behalf of another charity … …

Last Month’s Statistics
Awaiting preparation
This Month’s Prayer Notes
Link to this month’s Prayer Notes