News from Asociatia Neemia, March 2024

Goods have been arriving in generous quantities. Starting from an empty warehouse in December we now have approximately half a load ready for transport to Romania. There is a pattern in the type of clothing that we receive; very often donated items are appropriate to the season which has just finished, as wardrobes are cleared for new fashions. As AN has some stocks of suitable clothing there is no immediate need for a transport so we will wait until we can send a full lorry, probably in May.

As can be seen in the photos below, most of the goods arriving at the warehouse have already been sorted and packed; this reduces the tasks at the warehouse to the procedures for weighing, wrapping and documenting the boxes. Consequently we have decided to make a small reduction in the opening hours at the Billingshurst warehouse. It will now be open to receive donations between 09:30 and 12:00 each Saturday.

The imminent arrival of Spring brings many changes, not least in the type of clothing and bedding that we can donate. Warmer weather will mean that the items remaining from our winter stocks will be put into storage and be replaced by items received previously and which are more suited to the new season.

We have continued to receive generous donations of food from two local supermarkets. In January we received items with a commercial value exceeding £9,900. This is an arrangement brokered by a nation-wide food bank and there are limitations as to how the food can be used. There is a lot of work involved in the collection and distribution of the donations, together with preparing the necessary documentation, but we consider that the benefits are worth the additional effort.

New statutory accounting procedures require our staff to learn new software; this adds to the demands on their time and energy.

This month’s featured photos

Deliveries: From the packing team … From south Wales … Arriving in Dorohoi

From the packing team From south Wales Arriving in Dorohoi

At Casa Neemia: Waiting for Spring … Ukrainian art … Donated potatoes

Waiting for Spring Ukrainian art Donated potatoes

Last month’s statistics
Categories February
Same month
last year
% Change
year on year
Registered Beneficiaries:
joiners / leavers
32 / 43 19 / 37
Beneficiaries this month: 221 169 31%
Number of Donations: 221 198 12%
Total Value of Donations:
(£ equivalent)
2,958 4,374 -32%
Exchange Rate,
5·8224 5·5368 5%

Stats notes:
– Joiners are new registrants this month, Leavers are are those whose latest recorded donation was 12 months ago.
– Some households may receive more than one donation during a month (eg, repeat donations of food).
– Items shown as 0 or as “…” are awaiting final returns for the month.

Previous month’s news, February, 2024

This Month’s Prayer Notes

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Link to this month’s Prayer Notes

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